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Merry Christmas

We hope you had a great Christmas! Ours was filled with snuggling, eating, worshipping and relaxing. It was beautiful. 

I have also taken some time to plan for our weeks ahead- Reservations and excursions in the southwest! Good thing Santa brought us this trusty travel book! 


winging it

Hello friends! We are so glad you came to visit. We are up at the lake for Christmas, and it is certainly the break we needed. Over the past few weeks we have been packing and planning for our next few months.

We are going travel nursing!

Let me explain this a bit. Austin and I have been so blessed to call Huntsville home for almost 2 years. Travel nursing has always been a dream of mine, and we figured now is the time! From late January until late April of 2014, we will be residents of Albuquerque, NM where I have accepted a position on a pediatric floor at Presbyterian Hospital. Neither of us have been to ABQ, know anyone in ABQ, or (if we're being honest) ever really planned on visiting, let alone living there. After that, who knows? We are winging it.

Austin will continue working for SCS doing remote work, pursuing freelance projects and being a stay at home dad to our goldendoodle Tucker.

There are still many details to work out, but for now we are soaking up time with our friends and family and remembering the peace Christmas brings.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Our Story

We are (somewhat) newlyweds who are up for an adventure! Proud Auburn grads and still not quite sure where our careers will take us, we decided to hit the road so Ellen could pursue travel nursing. God has been good to us, and we hope we can reflect His grace wherever we go.

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